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PADI Dive Center - Kansas City

*** Special ***
Learn to Dive $395
Price includes your classroom,
gear rental, and openwater checkout.

Save when you purchase Mask, Snorkel,
and Fins same day you sign up for lessons.
Click here to learn more


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Summer is here!!

Be sure to check in with us at our facebook page for new product introductions or upcoming events.

Summer Hours:
M: 10:30-5:30
T: 10:30-5:30
W: 10:30-5:30
TH: 10:30-5:30
F: 10:30-5:30
Sat and Sun: Appointment

Welcome to Frogman, Kansas City Scuba Diving Professionals

Frogman Scuba is Kansas City's ultimate resources for your diving needs. From training to gear purchase we will be there to assist you. Our staff is highly trained to help the first timers and train search and resuce teams.

We are a PADI Dive Center carrying the follow brands of gear: Zeagle, Mares, Sherwood, and much much more.

We offer open water certification, advanced open water, rescue diver, and many PADI speacialties. We also of ERDi Search and Rescue Classes. Cave and Cavern certification. CPR and DAN O2 Certifications are also available.

Please follow the links above to read further about our offerings. If you have any questions email us at

Specialty of the Month -
Deep Diver Speciality - The Deep Diver Specialty course offers you the opportunity of a lifetime - going deep to see thing others can only dream about.


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